Saturday, January 31, 2009

Mildly disturbing

Ever since high school, I have attracted hair in my food. Every time I go out to eat I find a hair, that is not my own, adorning my dish. I have found a hair on the bottom of a biscuit, in a milkshake, underneath my last bite of stir fry, laying neatly across an omelet, around some ice in a glass of water, inside an egg roll, as an additional topping on my pizza, I could go on and on. I suppose one perk of this I that I get a lot of free and discounted meals. On the other hand, it's just nasty. So the other day I went grocery shopping and among other things, bought some celery. After I got home, I thought I would have some celery and peanut butter for a snack. I pulled out the celery and there was a hair in my celery. I tried to convince myself that it was mine because really, how do you get hair in your fresh, pre-packaged celery? But it wasn't long enough, or dark enough to be mine and it was wrapped around the leaves and in between the could it be? I was too disgusted to even do anything about it. It's still sitting on my counter, and writing about it still makes me want to vomit. Why can't I attract money like I attract hair? Sick.


Debra said...

that is just disgusting

Michelle said...

Well your luck makes an interesting blog.

Wight Family said...

hmmm, I agree entirely on your thoughts and actions there. I'm not sure what to say other than that.

That is way gross. Sorry!!

Tamara said...

I just read this yesterday, and it made me laugh remembering some of the times it happened when we were kids, but then I went shopping today and found a huge, long, hair in my lettuce when i got home.....I'm thinking that bunch is going to the chickens.

Reggs said...

HA HAAAA!!! One of your best posts ever. I always wondered why I always stood in the grocery line where the checker has to change the roll of paper in the machine half way through ringing me up. It's fate.

Jill Bagley said...

that is the most freakin hilarious post ever!!
im glad i found your blog. how is it that i didnt even know you had a blog???
there must be something eternally symbolic about hair.
maybe it symbolizes your spiritual growth or something . when you find out , i would love to know!!! :)
enjoy your hair sandwiches

Rachel said...

SHAR! I have had your old blog address since forever and I just came across this one....I thought I'd never be able to contact you again! So glad to see you're doing well and read up on your fam. Miss you! -Rachel Fry from BYUI 11th ward