Friday, January 9, 2009

This is a problem. Seriously

One of Yaya's outfits.

And yes, that is Heidi's dress being used as a jacket.

Yaya loves clothes. She has the most clothes because my cousin gives me bags and bags of clothes that are just her size. I try to go through them and keep only a reasonable amount, but one Mom can only do so much. Yaya changes her clothes honestly every hour. And when I say hour, I really mean every ten minutes. Her outfits are always "creative" and her other clothes never make their way back to their drawer. My house is littered with size three clothes in every bedroom, the kitchen, bathroom...but somehow my laundry room stays clean. Go figure. Anyway, short of taking all her clothes away, or barricading the closet (which I turned into a "fort" and they still got in the closet) I don't know what to do. Any suggestions?


Elizabeth said...

My girls were the same way and Ella still is. I work at Gymboree and laugh because I am surrounded by cute clothes but my girls are very creative and have their own idea of what they wear too. I do love the dress as a jacket. :)

Debra said...

wow...she really looks like you in that picture.

neither of the girls went through that sort of clothes changing thing, so ideas!

Wight Family said...

She needs a dress up box. Fill it with the clothes that she "must have" and the little cutie can pick her own clothes up and put them back into her special dress up box several times each day!! It is totally okay to change your clothes multiple times each day... But the sneaky mom in me would not upgrade those clothes to size 4 or 5... I'd slowly let them get too small. hehee!

Or you could feed the habit. She may be a riot to go shopping with one day. ;) Good luck!

Tamara said...

Um, yeah, let me know when you figure it out. For now, I just smile, remind her to pick up (we get about a 50% return on that) and do lots and lots of laundry!
Oh, and beware the dress up box, it worked for one of my friends, but Gracie just add it to her normal rotation of what to where when we go to the grocery store!