Sunday, January 4, 2009

All I Want for New Year's are my five front teeth...

Leah was quite excited the whole holiday season that she could sing "All I want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth" including the lisp that comes naturally when missing them. She was also missing a molar and then on Christmas Eve she pulled out another tooth, right next to her missing front teeth. That night she put her tooth who knows where...she said under her pillow, but neither Lars nor I could find it. So in the morning she came out with two dimes and her tooth. Confused, she asked why the Tooth Fairy didn't take her tooth. Lars quickly came up with the explanation that the Tooth Fairy must have been in a big hurry so she didn't run into Santa. "Ohhh," exclaimed Leah with greater understanding, "That must be why she ONLY left me two dimes." And we thought we were being generous. Apparently the Tooth Fairy has to keep up with inflation.

Before church this morning, Leah pulled out another tooth! I really hope they start growing back soon or she'll have to go on a liquid diet because she won't have any teeth to chew with!


Debra said...

i solved that kids have always put their tooth in a mug of water on their bedside table(that way the tooth fairy doesn't wake them up looking for the tooth). much easier to find. my kids get a dollar a tooth...inflation since the quarter i got when i was a kid!

Tanners said...

No wonder all her teeth are falling out, teeth are a kid's only income and it sounds like the market is not paying much for them in the Wight house.