Saturday, January 31, 2009

I'll take back the terrible twos

I've decided that three years old is more difficult than two, there just isn't a catch phrase for it. Terrible twos, thwarting threes...I just don't see it catching on. But seriously, two is frustrating because the kids are over-confident and stubborn, so they try to do everything on their own and get frustrated easily resulting in throwing a fit because they don't know how to ask or accept help. But three is even MORE frustrating because they are actually fully capable of communicating clearly, and dressing themselves, and going to the bathroom, etc. but they choose not to use or manipulate their newfound skills. Emilia is generally a pleasant little person, but she has picked up some undesireable habbits such as lying directly to your face when you know it. "Did you clear your dinner plate?" "Yes." "Um, no you didn't. I'm looking right at it still sitting on the table." "Yes I did. That's Naomi's." Wrong. Or expresssing her control by refusing to eat for days and begging for candy with her first breath each morning. Love that one. I also love that SHE picks fights with her sisters who tower over her and could easily pound her, but she is the one hitting them and calling them names. She will even make up songs about how mean and stupid they are. Emilia is really my first one to do this.

The trait I enjoy the most is her refusing or"negotiating" everything that comes out of my mouth. Here's a little taste of my day...

S-Yaya, did you wash your hands after you went potty?

Y- I hate washing my hands because that's why I need a drink.

S-OK girls, time to brush teeth.

Y-I hate brushing my teeth. I will when I'm 16.

Y-Can I take a bath?

S-You've already had two today.

Y- Well, I need a bath because my tummy in NOT hot.

Well, I can say it is never dull at my house!


Debra said...

how can u argue with that kind of logic

Reggs said...

I TOTALLY AGREE. Two was mild compared to three in my house. It's like she went from terrible two to annoying pre-teen. Glad to know I'm not the only one who feels this way!

Jill Bagley said...

wow---is that what im in for? im really bummed about that. jason and i were just discussing the difficultness which is our son. and how to handle him.
but all i have to say is----BE GRATEFUL ITS NOT A WILD BOY. this phase is very difficult with boys because they are full of wild pent up aggression and energy. and they are too strong for their age.
its quite the pickle.