Friday, November 20, 2009

What am I trying to prove?

Last night I went with my friends to the midnight premier showing of "New Moon". Some of the gals in our group went to the theater at 6 o'clock to get in line. I showed up around 9pm. We laid on the nasty, dirty carpet and played card games until 10 when they started filling up the theaters. We sat and talked while everyone else filled in. The social time with my gals was tons of fun. But let it be known...I am not a night owl. During college I stayed up way too late every night and between that and having babies, my body now shuts down at 10pm. So by midnight, I had a headache and was feeling nausious.

I can't say I loved the movie so much, but I can say being in a theater with two hundred pre-teen girls made it such a lively experience! Every time Edward or Jacob came on the screen (especially if they had their shirt off) there was loud swooning and oogling and I could hear buckets of drool hitting the floor.

Well, I got home and in bed close to 3 am with a pounding headache wondering why in the world I had just done that to myself. Maybe I wanted to feel like I wasn't "old" at 30. Unfortunately, I disproved my own theory. Bedtime at 10 from here on.


Tom Bailey said...

I thought about doing it myself... but came to the same conclusion... what am I trying to prove? I passed on the offer.

Debra said...

Lol...I am with you. I am going today. Shouldn't be in line for more than an hour. Very excited.

Amy said...

i did that with becca when twilight came out. we thought about doing it again and that's as far as it went. glad you got to experience a midnight showing at least once!

Anonymous said...

The audience was very entertaining. See you at the next midnight showing of the Twilight saga, if we can catch up on our sleep by then. I'm too old for this #$%*