Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"eye-eye" mate-y

Yaya has had two close calls with her eyes this week.
Episode 1
I asked Leah to unload the dishwasher. She opened it up and then got distracted. Heidi seized the opportunity and grabbed two sharp knives, one in each hand, and took off. First she went after Naomi, but Naomi screamed and ran away. Yaya wasn't paying attention, until she (and I) heard Naomi scream at her "Heidi has sharp knives!" Well, it was just a second too late and Heidi hit Yaya in the face with one of the knives. Thankfully Heidi is shorter than Yaya because the tip of the knife hit her just under her left eye. And thankfully Heidi isn't that strong because it gave her a nice poke, but didn't cause any major damage. That would have been a fun one to explain in the E.R.

Episode 2
Yaya was at her friend's house and they decided to be helpful and "clean" the bathroom mirror. Well, they were using shampoo...and teetering precariously on the edge of the sink to get to the mirror. Yaya ended up slipping and fell onto the faucet. She hit her face in the exact same spot, but under her right eye. So now the poor girl has a puncture wound under her left eye and a black eye on the right.

Too bad Halloween is past so I can't dress her up as a pirate and cover up some of the damage with an eye patch.


Anonymous said...

Youch! Oh - and what a coincidence. The windows in our classy 94 blazer don't roll down either! BUT - I am gratefull it STILL runs. :)

Tasha said...

the year i was a pirate for halloween i had a patch over my eye. it worked out just great cause i had pink eye in that eye!