Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A New Obsession

Recently my children have discovered Ramen Noodles. I've never given it to them before, but my friend dishes it out all the time. My girls LOVE them. Yaya asks me every morning if I will make her Ramen noodles for breakfast. I have to limit it to once a day. At least they're cheap right?


Wolfley Family said...

LOL! Our kids share the same obsession - they call it chicken soup regardless of the flavor. We've also had to enact a limit of one per day :)

Debra said...

Yep...one time I added chicken and vegies and it made a decent soup.

Wight Family said...

Debra's on to something there. I added an extra bouillon cube and some eggs and made a delightful eggdrop & noodle soup. I even liked it and I'm a huge non-supporter of ramen in general... Keep trying!!