Monday, June 8, 2009

A new reason for bath toys

Woman Survives 3 Days in Bathtub

(June 8) -- A 90-year-old woman spent three days trapped in her bathtub after becoming too weak to pull herself out, the San Jose Mercury News reported Thursday.
Shirley Madsen, of Walnut Creek, Calif., survived her ordeal by drinking water from a rubber duck with a hole in the bottom.
Madsen survived for three days stuck in the bathtub by continually replacing the cooling bath water with fresh water from the tap to stay warm. She also used one of her collection of rubber ducks as a drinking cup to keep hydrated during her confinement...

Now, i've seen my kids use rubber ducks as drinking cups before, but it's usually with the soapy, scummy bath water. I hope dear Shirley at least had the sense to drink fresh water. :)


Alli said...

Fantastic. Where do you find these stories?

Anonymous said...

WHY does an old lady have a rubber duck? I would like to know the answer to this question. I'm 31, I don't have a rubber duck in my bathtub. That is just bazaar to me.