Tuesday, June 2, 2009

the daily buzzzzz

I've been putting off filling out some paperwork from our Emergency Room visit, but I finally buckled down this morning and started doing it. About three minutes into it, the requests started. Once Yaya gets an idea in her head, she won't let it go. So after asking me about a hundred times for a drink of water, I put my pen down and growled through my teeth, "I'm doing something very important right now!" Yaya's eyes lit up and she excitedly said, "Bees are important! Are you drawing bees?"


The Busy Beez said...

My husband wants me to do the invoices for our business. I told him that he had to take the kids for me, because with 5 I can't get it done. Last night Jim offered to take over for me and give me a break so I could do the work. Well, the older three fussed and fumed, the toddler got into everything she could get her hands on, and father with baby asked me every five minutes if she was hungry and needed to eat. Needless to say the invoices are still on the desk. . .

Reggs said...

HA! HA! HAAAA!!!! Well, were you drawing bees?

I hear ya, Sharly. My oldest will keep saying "mom? mom? MOM?" until I am full-on LOOKING at her and doing nothing else. IRRITATING. Kids so do not appreciate multi-tasking...

Tamara said...

ahh, the priorities of little ones, don't ya wish drawing bees was the most important thing you had to do today??