Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Big Event

So last Friday I did my mini-triathlon. The biggest obstacle of the entire day was the waking up at 6 am so my breakfast would have time to settle before swimming. I hopped in the pool and did my 500 meters in 25 minutes. That could probably be put on record as the worst time ever, but considering when I started training I couldn't even swim 50 meters I felt pretty good about it. Then I got out and after biking through the parking lot I realized it was much, much colder than I had anticipated, so I took a little detour to my friends house to borrow some gloves. They just happened to be sitting down to breakfast when I got there, so I refueled, pulled on my gloves and biked 12 miles. It was a beautiful sunny day and I sort of forgot about the racing part and went at a pace closer to a Sunday evening stroll. After the ride, I ditched my bike and tried to run. Have you ever tried running after riding a bike for a long time? I felt like a marionette. My legs were still trying to make the up/down pedaling motions instead of forward running motions. I looked ridiculous "running" with jerky, high knee steps, but eventually it wore off and I was able to move like a human again. I miscalculated my running distance and overshot by a half mile. I got home just as the baby woke up and wanted to nurse...and life carried on as if nothing happened.


ellsworth family said...

Way to go! I want to do something like that someday!

Jill Bagley said...

WOW!! GOOD FOR YOU!! im so impressed.
i can hardly get motivated to do yoga.
i see these moms, and friends and cousins of mine who run marathons and i wonder-----How do they do it? and stay motivated at the same time?
i must have just totally missed whatever i was suppose to learn in gym class. i mean, dont get me wrong, i want to be in shape, but im just not motivated to be in tip top shape.
i need your secret :)

Alli said...

That's still amazing to me - to know it's going to be physical torture (even though it has it's payout), and to do it ANYWAY! Good job Shar!

Reggs said...

You did ALL of that while you are still nursing a baby?? You are crazy, woman!
Many congratulations for completing such a worthy goal. :)