Friday, April 17, 2009

I am White Noise

I was recently asked, "If you were a superhero, what would your skills be and what be your name?" I also recently discovered I already have an amazing talent. I can talk to my children all day without any of them hearing me! It's incredible. Here's an example of me talking to Emilia.

Me-"Yaya, If you're done with your cereal will you please bring your bowl to the sink?"
Yaya-Blank stare, no verbal or physical response
Me- "Yaya, bring your bowl to the sink."
Yaya- Gets up and brings her bowl to the counter next to the sink.
Me-"Emilia, can you even hear what I'm saying to you?"
Yaya- "Ummmm....what did you say?"

I can ask the same child eight times to brush their teeth and they swear I never told them once. I can ask crunchy or creamy peanut butter on your toast three times before someone starts whining that they are so hungry they just might die..."and I said creamy!!" I can say, "Leah, get your shoes on" one billion times and we are always running out the door to school while she's saying, "Wait, my shoes are untied!"

I am a superhero. My name is White Noise. You can neither see, nor hear me, but I am able to complete household chores without anyone noticing. I can do laundry, sort and fold it, cook dinner, taxi kids and throw parties...all with little or no thanks or recognition. I AM a superhero.


John Boyack said...

You are my favorite super hero! By the way, thanks for helping me throw parties! You should see "the room" I emptied the attic today!


Debra said...

You are amazing!!! I do have one solution for you...let them make their own peanut butter sandwiches :)

Tanners said...

more correctly you are wight noise.

Reggs said...

LOLOLOL "wight" noise. Funny.
I am sorry to say you got a pretty sucky super power! Its better than my super power. I am thuddocks girl. It's when your butt sags down into your thighs. Thuddocks.

meghan said...

=)your blog post make me smile..and feel more normal!

Amy said...

um, can i be your side kick? we could think of a name for me....."Mute" what do you think?

jakefry said...

So true, funny, and sad at the same time. Atleast you know that we (fellow moms) know how you feel ;) -Rachel

Alli said...

Ha! When I was nursing the twins, I was a superhero too - Lactation Girl. Amanda will swear that once when she came over I was nursing both babies and working out on the gazelle at the same time! (It's an exageration though - I was only nursing ONE of them while I was working out - double calorie burning.)