Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Swine Crazy

"Dr. Mel Kohn, Oregon’s acting director of public health, said Saturday that the state needed to be prepared for the swine flu to stick around into the fall. "
Courtesy of DHS

Does this mean school's out for the summer? They have already shut down for this whole week and told everyone to keep of the playgrounds. It seems a bit suspicious and a little too convenient to me that the school system is SO concerned about transmitting this virus. There has been a panic about school funding for the past few months with rumors of cutting several weeks of school because they couldn't pay the teachers. If you ask me, this was just a great excuse to do that anyway without having the school board bear the grunt of the matter. Perhaps they are fabricating evidence. Hmm...I smell a conspiracy.


Anonymous said...

I love that picture :)

Tamara said...

the CDC has already told our school boards to put school back in session, even with 28 "suspected ccases", so yeah, I think you're on to something there.