Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Stranger Danger - Epic FAIL

Monday for Family Home Evening we did a lesson on "Stranger Danger" reminding the girls what to do if a stranger approached them or came to the door or called on the phone. After the lesson we did some role playing which re-enforced my suspicions that Lars and I were pretty much talking to ourselves the whole time. The role playing went a little something like this.

Me- Hi little girl. What are you doing?
Naomi- Playing with sidewalk chalk
Me- Oh! That's a very nice picture. Listen, I just lost my puppy.
Could you help me look for it?
Naomi- No. I'm not supposed to talk to strangers.

Strike 1

Me- Hi little girl. I have a piece of gum. Do you want one?
Yaya- Yeah!!
Me- Well, it's in my car. Follow me and I'll get it for you.
Yaya- OK! -and she jumped up and followed me

Strike 2

Lars- (pulling up in a fake car) Quick get in the car, your parents are at the hospital. I'll take you to them. Hurry if you ever want to see them again before they die.
Leah- stood frozen with a look of panic on her face
Lars- What are you going to do?
Leah- I don't know -and she burst into tears

Strike 3

I guess we'll have "Stranger Danger Part 2" next week.


Debra said...

OH, poor Leah!!! That's so sad.

Reggs said...

THIS WAS AWESOME!! HA HA HA HA HA!! Shar, you keep me laughing. Thanks for keeping it real.
Hey, I should try this with my kids!