Sunday, June 6, 2010

a few things I can count on

Well, Lars finished his master's program with STRAIGHT "A's". He would insert here that one of them was an "A-" but I say so what. It's amazing. He managed this while doing his student teaching at the high school, making lessons, correcting papers and being a hubby and father to four girls and having a teaching calling at church and doing his home teaching. It's been crazy, but now we're moving onto the next adventure which is...what is the next adventure? We're trying to find a job and still focus on short term needs as well. It's difficult not having answers for the girls when they ask if we are moving, where we are going, if they'll be at the same school next year etc.

But despite all the things that are uncertain, there are some things that I KNOW I can count on. Every day Heidi will take all of my pots, pans and the cheese grater and pile them neatly on the floor mat in front of the sliding glass door. (I'm still not clear on the "why" here...) I know that every day Naomi will ask me to play a game with her. I know that every day, Yaya smother me with hugs and kisses. I know that every day Leah will put on a very interesting outfit and proudly show if off the me and ask me if I like it. (Lars has suggested on several occassions that I talk to her about fashion and coordinating her clothes. She's too much of a free spirit of really care what I have to say.) I know that every day before bed we will gather as a family and read from the scriptures and pray together. I know that every day and every moment that I pray, God will listen and give me comfort. I am grateful for these few things that I can count on.

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