Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Kindergarten Graduation

Naomi entering with scarf and hat-Naomi with her certificate-Heidi trying to steal Naomi's hat-happy Naomi with friend Jade and Yaya
Tuesday was Naomi's kindergarten graduation. They made cute little hats and came in waving colored scarves to music about growing up and turning from caterpillars into buterflies...the kind of music that if you were a sap would make you choke back tears...sniffle. Then they all sang the cute little songs that they had been learning all year. After receiving her certificate, we went back to Naomi's classroom to gather all the projects they had worked on and to have cake. It was a sweet day and Naomi was SOOOOOO excited. (My camera bateries died, so I didn't get very many picts...these will have to do.)

1 comment:

Tanners said...

yaya's hair is sooo dark. wow.