Sunday, September 27, 2009

Babies CAN"T have tastebuds

Once again, based on my experience as a mother, I am going to have to absolutely disagree with science. It has been "proven" that taste buds emerge at around 7 to 8 weeks' gestation. I beg to differ. Based on my acute observation of the human infant and toddler, I would propose that taste buds emerge around two years of age. As Heidi is just over a year now, it is quite clear that her taste buds simply could not have developed yet. I have irrefutable evidence to back up my theory.
Argument 1: We were visiting our friends and playing in the back yard. Yaya yelled to me, "Mom, Heidi's eating something!" I ran over to find her double fisting cat food and packing it down her throat as fast as she could manage.

Argument 2: We were at another friends house a few days later when again Yaya yelled, "Mom, Heidi's eating horse poop!" I ran over and sure enough she had a nice hard clod in her hand. For my own stomach, I didn't look to closely for teeth marks but I took comfort (somehow) in the fact that at least it was several days old and dry, rather than fresh.

Argument 3: Today, Heidi took her bowl of cereal outside, threw a few hand fulls of dirt in it, sat down and started eating. (Please reference above photo.) She was seriously mad when I took it away.
I just had Heidi's iron checked last week and she is well within the normal range, so I can rule out that she is eating these things because of a mineral deficiency. Therefore I feel it is a reasonable conclusion that "science" has once again been overruled by parenting.


Debra said...

Horse poop? that IS disgusting.

Alli said...

Or MAYBE cat food, horse poop and dirt actually taste really great, but we, as adults, are psychologically opposed to it...

Tasha said...

hmmm....maybe i'm missing out! i should give cat food a try!