Thursday, August 27, 2009

Winding Down

Leah and Yaya

Yaya, Ellie and Maya aka: The Girly Girls Club

Naomi at Silver Falls

my beautiful Heidi baby

As summer is coming to a close and the start of the school year is fast approaching we are taking every opportunity to get out and do anything we can! We have been to the beach (where the girls got their "first sunburns" and Heidi filled the bag of chips with sand), hiking and swimming at Silver Falls, up to Grandma's and over to friend's houses. We hope to squeeze in one last camping trip this summer.

Lars is shadowing an english teacher at the high school this first semester and then will take over her class the second semester. So he will be at school all day, do his classes on line at night and go to school on Saturdays. We just don't plan to see much of him this next year.

Leah is excited that Naomi is going to be at school with her. Naomi is just beside herself with anticipation. She's happy she got morning kindergarten and especially that she gets to stay for lunch if she wants to...and she definitely wants to!

Yaya really really wants to do pre school. Honestly I don't think she cares a bit about actually learning anything. I think she just really wants a social outlet. I wasn't planning on doing anything this year, but she keeps asking so I may see if I can find something for her to do. If she did, I would only have one kid at home for half the day. What would that be like? I might actually get to exercise...or nap.

1 comment:

Debra said...

You and me both. David is never home either.