Saturday, August 15, 2009

Another Break (sort-of)

Lars left the power cord to his laptop at his mom's house last weekend. Friday he decided to go get it. I fully expected him to go alone but he took the three older girls with him. Friday night I went out with my girlfriends, but all day today I have been working around the house making up for everything I haven't been doing all summer. It is amazing how much a mother can do when she's down three kids! I slept in ('till 8:30) bathed miss Heidi baby who pooped through all her clothes and bedding. Did all the laundry...washed, folded and put away, deep cleaned my bathroom, did the dishes, swept and mopped the floor, swapped all the furniture in two of our bedrooms, cleaning and vacuuming as I went, organized the storage shed, took miss Heidi baby on a walk and ate the rest of Lars's Reese's pieces that he foolishly left by the computer (bwa ha ha ha). Now, I remember when I only had one kid and I couldn't get anything done. Either I've made strides in my ability to multi-task, or I've gotten over my guilt complex that I need to interact and entertain my child every minute of the day. I'm sure it's a healthy combination of both :)

1 comment:

Debra said...

The older my kids get the less interested I am in cleaning. Come on over!