Saturday, August 1, 2009

A sweet moment.

Last night after Leah and I were done cleaning we sat down at the kitchen table and shared a plate of nachos. Leah was so happy to have some one on one time together. I think she often gets overlooked because she doesn't throw a stink or pitch a fit about stuff. Most of the time she just does whatever we ask her to do and usually more just to be nice. But she monopolized on this opportunity to have a little heart to heart. She looked up at me with her sweet little blue eyes and innocent face and asked, "Mom. When do I get to go on dates?" Oh help.


Debra said...

Oh, no. That's even worse then my sixth grader telling me all of her friends are dating. Fortunately her mama taught her boys stink, so she isn't interested.

Reggs said...

Oh that is depressing. I thought we had until at least 14, and then just had to endure 2 years of whining until dating age?

By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You look beautiful as always.

Alli said...

My oldest is exactly the same. All she wants is a little bit of attention, and she so quietly goes about doing what she's asked that it's easy to not give it to her. Not like her sisters, the squeaky wheels. They need that one-on-one time to know we APPRECIATE their quiet, helpful, sweet attitudes.