Monday, August 3, 2009

Name that tune

Last Sunday in a desperate attempt to keep the girls entertained but focused on Sunday I suggested we play "name that tune" with the songs they have been learning in primary. We each took turns and the girls caught on quickly. Every time it was Yaya's turn she would hum the same song, "I am a Child of God." After a couple turns her sisters just started guessing it before she even started humming. So one turn she started humming and her sisters guessed right away, but Yaya shook her head "no" and kept humming the same song. Finally at the end of the song she said, "It was I am a Child of God...the SECOND verse!"


ellsworth family said...

Oh my gosh, your girls CRACK ME UP!

Debra said...

LOL...thanks for that. I really needed a good laugh and she you gave me one.

John Boyack said...

I love Yaya!