Thursday, August 6, 2009

We are not a "morning" family

Every morning, Naomi is the first one to wake up. She comes in to my room and announces she is hungry. So I get up and by the time I get dressed and use the bathroom she has usually melted down and started her morning fit. It generally lasts an hour and she flops on the ground screaming that she is hungry and cold and she has to go to the bathroom but she can't because she's afraid of spiders and her legs don't work so she can't stand up or sit at the table to eat. My current way of dealing with this behavior is to simply ignore it. She's been doing this for about three years, so I really don't even hear her anymore although I do still feel the grinding on my nerves. Anyway, Thursday started off like every other morning. Eventually Leah and Yaya filed out of their beds and we were all in the living room. Naomi, who was already in a fabulous mood, make some comment to Leah who immediately burst into tears. Naomi either felt badly or thought she was going to get in trouble and started crying as well. Yaya who was sitting on the couch, observed the situation, rolled her eyes and said, "Here we go again!" I couldn't have said it better myself. :)


John Boyack said...

You can always make me laugh!


Debra said...

lol...that's funny (well, it is when you don't have to listen to it!). I would like to tell you it gets better. You will have to wait til they are teenagers to see if i am lying or not.

Alli said...

From the mouths of babes :)