Tuesday, January 10, 2012

TMI !!!!

Leah's been getting a bit more observant recently and therefore more curious about life and how it's created.  We've had several plutonic discussions before about the differences between boys and girls etc.  This past discussion she kept asking more detailed questions, so I kept answering them.  After a rather "informative" conversation, she kept coming back to me with one concern, "But I just don't get how babies are made."  I didn't want to be too straight forward, but clearly my more gentle explanations just weren't doing the trick.  I told her.  I told her just how babies are made.  I gave her enough details to make her blush and declare that was disgusting and she was NEVER going to do that.  I told her to keep that opinion until she was thirty. 

Later that night after I had sent all the girls to bed, Leah came out of her room and said to me, "Something is really creeping me out...you know, about how babies are made?  I think I'm going to have nightmares tonight."

1 comment:

ElizabethM said...

That's b/c she's probably picturing her own parents making babies. And that gives everyone nightmarea (all parents, not you and Lars, haha). It's perfectly normal.