Monday, January 9, 2012

MY American Dream

When Lars got his job teaching I was amazed and grateful and felt very blessed.  I still do.  But I can't lie, after about a month I started thinking, "Is this really 'it'?"  We've worked our whole marriage to obtain an education and full time employment, good schools for our girls and reliable transportation.  While I am happy to have those things...a mini van just doesn't inspire me.  These feelings have nothing to do with "Keeping up with the Joneses".  I don't care what car I drive, what house I live in or even where I live.  I want to live an inspired life, full of creativity and opportunity. 
The thought of buying a house and living in it for 30 years freaks me out.  I don't give a rip about having the newest, the biggest or the best.  I crave new adventures, freedom, beauty and nature.   

Lars and I have been talking a lot about this recently and decided we are going to dream the big dream.  Lars wants to be a writer.  Always has.  I want to be an artist/photographer/graphic designer.  Always have.  So we're going to do it.  After this school year is over, Lars is taking a break from teaching and we are going to work our hearts out doing what we love.  Obviously we are going to be responsible parents and make sure our kids have food, clothing and shelter, but why not give it a shot?!?  We only get one life to live and I don't want to look back at mine and say, "I wish I would have......." 

I've started a new photography blog.  I'm a bit hesitant to do this now before I really
feel like I know what I'm doing, but it's all part of the learning process right? 
Check it out and give me any feedback.

So here's to a new year, a new plan and hopefully greater happiness, fulfilment and success.



Jamie said...

I think you are brave and fabulous and I wish you the most success and fun along your journey! If anyone can do it, it will be you:) Much love to the Wights!!

The Cooking Photographer said...

You can do this. Both of you. This dream isn't nearly as far away as one might think. Hugs!


Rory Baxter said...

LOVE the creativity and the feel of your images. You have got an amazing eye and a very unique perspective. You go girl! You can do anything you put your mind to. Cant wait to keep an eye on your posts!

Anonymous said...

Brave moves - heck yeah! :) I'm so freaking excited for you guys and can't wait to hear about the journey!