Thursday, December 22, 2011

Elvis is on the "Naughty List"

I walked Emilia over to her little friend's house to play.  She walked in, hugged her friend, gave Elvis the dog a friendly pat and he jumped up and bit her cheek!  Emilia covered her face and tried to stop crying so she could stay and play, but once I saw the blood dripping down her cheek I said sorry sister and hauled her home.  While Dad got the bleeding to stop, I sat with my head between my knees.  I get woozy at the initial injury, but then I can pull it together.  Lars gets woozy at needles, and we figured there would be a few of them, so I was nominated to pack E up and take her to the E.R. 

She was a champ!  The nurse was great with her and had E helping with whatever she could.  The doctor was kind and efficient.  I got to lay on the bed with her the whole time and hold her hand and read her a book.  They numbed up her cheek, cleaned out the puncture wound really well and then he put two stitches in her cheek.  It wasn't a big wound thankfully, it was just jagged.  It looks great so far.  We were in and out in an hour...which is rather amazing. 

Of course I had to take E to get an ice cream cone and a fairy doll after the whole affair and in my mind she totally deserved it. As we were leaving the hospital, Emilia said to me, "I don't care if I have stitches in my cheek because I'm still cute.....and I'm alive."
I'm glad she has her priorities straight.


Kari said...

Um, woah. Saddest story ever -- poor girl. But, cutest response ever! So precious.

Laura said...

OH my freaking heck! Shar, I think you are one of the best mothers alive. That you laid with her on the bed and read stories, what she will remember is how fabulous you were. You were there for her in the most important way. And you can tell her that she is cute and she will only get cuter and now she has a cool dog story to tell at parties.