Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Miracle

It's not often the I write a touchy-feely sentimental post.  I usually try to suppress vulnerable feelings such as those and just stick to my security blanket of sarcasm.  However, this moment in my life deserves recognition.  It was Saturday night.  My girls had been passing the infectious and stubborn "pink-eye" to each other ALL week.  Thursday I thought we were in the clear and then Friday everyone had it again! 

I had hardly left the house for six days, I saw on FB that all my friends in Monmouth were having a fabulous girl's night that I wasn't at, I couldn't interact with anyone here because I didn't want to spread the germs, Lars was of course working, and I was having a ROYAL pity party for myself.  I had just laid my head down on the desk to cry (really...that's how pathetic I was being) when my dear friend M.A.R. showed up at my door with a hug, some chocolate and a magazine.  She made the mistake of noticing my mascara streaked down my cheeks from crying and then dared to ask me if I was OK.  She enter my quarantined home, sat on my pink-eye infested couch and listened to me blubber for twenty minutes.  After I was done emotionally vomiting all over her, she hugged me and I made her pinkie-swear she would act like this never happened and still be my friend.  She humored me and left. 

After I closed the door I just started crying again, but this time because I was so grateful to a merciful and personal God who is aware of me, my feelings and my needs.  He didn't come down from Heaven to put His arms around me, but He sent a willing substitute to do the job for Him. 

To me that is a miracle; and for that I am grateful.     


Debra said...

That is so sweet. Thanks for sharing.

Tanners said...

sorry i couldn't give you some breast milk. remember? hahah. Oh and we had pink eye this last week too, we could of hung out.