Thursday, February 3, 2011

Afternoon at the DMV

I've been needing to change my Iowa drivers license to an Oregon one for the last...oh, three years now and for whatever reason decided today was the day.  So I spent all morning reading the very engaging and intellectually stimulating driver's manual.  I know the common sense stuff of driving, just figured I should brush up on the laws specific to Oregon and whatever random tidbits of information they find necessary to tuck into those 112 blessed pages. 

All I have to say is, it's a good thing I barrelled through that book because otherwise I would have FAILED!
One of the questions was
"If you are driving and approach a person on horseback with his hand raised, you should...
A. Wave back 
B.Continue slowly around the animal
C. Stop. A raised hand means the animal is frightened. 
D. Honk obnoxiously while increasing your speed"

Ok, so I don't actually remember the choices, but obviously the correct answer was C because everybody knows that a raised hand = frightened livestock.

There were several questions like that one about completely useless and impertinent information and then I was humored with some questions from the other extreme of being blatantly obvious.

"When you approach this sign, what should you do?"

A. Come to a complete stop
B. Slow down at the intersection
C. Pull over to the side of the road
D. Eat a ham sandwich

After laughing out loud at the absurdity of some of the questions and MANY of the photo illustrations, I answered 28 of the 32 questions correctly, passed my vision test, lied when asked to verbally confess my weight and filled out all other necessary paperwork.
Then they told me that would be $65 cash or check only.  I had to ask for my old, invalid drivers license back so I could drive only semi-illegally to the bank and close out my life savings to pay for that confounded piece of plastic.  But all's well that end's well and I can rest easy tonight knowing I can FINALLY check this off my "to do" list.  :)


Anonymous said...

Next time I approach a stop sign I'm going to pull over to the side of the road AND eat a ham sandwich. I love Oregon and now you are officially an Oregonian. :)

Camille said...

Is the permit test as absurd? I think Brynn would like absurd--she has been stalling LONG enough in taking that test. She reads the hundred plus pages a few a day or week and has gone months with same process. Please , she must change her pattern and finally check off permit in hand from her to do list!

Lori said...

Thanks for the heads up on those questions!:) I need to go get an Oregon driver's license, too.