Sunday, February 20, 2011


At dinner tonight Leah was building a mashed potato volcano complete with gravy oozing everywhere. Naomi was, of course, complaining about how disgusting the mashed potatoes were.  Leah encouraged her to try them with gravy and launched off on a pro-gravy campaign.  "Gravy makes mashed potatoes taste better.  Gravy makes the meat taste better.  Gravy makes the rolls taste better.  Gravy pretty much makes EVERYTHING taste better...except for boobies."  Lars and I looked at each other with raised eyebrows.  "I mean, boo-boos, know.  Gravy doesn't make those better."  It was too late.  Lars and I were already in a fit of uncontrollable laughter.  I had tears running down my face. 

It was a testament to my children's innocence that they were completely clueless as to what spurred this insane reaction.  Leah asked Lars what he was laughing at and he said, "Your Mom" which made me laugh even harder because it just sounded like a tacky, but well played joke.  Then Leah asked me what I was laughing at, and I said, "Your Dad."   The girls just rolled their eyes at us and continued eating.  Just another random outburst...nothing out of the ordinary. :)


Stacy said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA... HAHAHAHAHAHA... oh man... that is so funny!

Jaren actually calls boobies 'boo boos'... ;o)

Anonymous said...

That made me laugh with tears!

Shelly said...

I love you Shar! SO FUNNY!!!!

Amanda Davis said...