Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I brought Emilia into the doctor today.  First off, I would just like to note that my girls see Dr. Burn and Dr. Rash.  I find that rather amusing...or weird.  Anyway, I showed up 15 minutes early like a good girl to fill out all the new patient paper work.  While we were waiting, another lady showed up with her kid and told the receptionist she had an appointment with Dr. Burns at 1:00.  That was the same doctor and the same time as my appointment.  We were brought back to a room just a little after one and the nurse was prompt and kind and then she left and we waited.  We read every book in the room, and then all the magazines.  We took a potty break, came back and resorted to coloring a collage on the crinkly paper that lines the exam bed.  FINALLY the doctor sauntered in at 1:55 swallowing the remnants of his lunch and wiping crumbs off his tie.  Really? 

This is one of my biggest pet peeves.  Actually, it's more than that.  I have serious issues in situations like these.  I hate waiting in a small room where there is purposely NO clock on the wall, for an undisclosed amount of time while the doctor sees another patient that was double booked, eats his lunch, practices juggling, assembles a few quilt blocks and does the hokey pokey... just so he can come in whenever he gets around to it, and talk to me for five minutes.  Don't get me wrong, I really like this doctor and I value his knowledge.  It's just the whole hour of my life that I wasted waiting to ask him ONE question that I have a problem with. 

Although the girls were also anxious to get out of there, they were willing to forgive and forget the whole thing as soon as the doctor handed them each a handful of tongue depressors to play with.  I'm glad he had the wisdom not to try and buy my love with them as well.  He would have been pulling splinters out of his nose.  Told you I had issues.


The Cooking Photographer said...

Dr. Burn and Dr. Rash. Lol!!!!!! You should take a picture of their sign!

And I HATE that. They should schedule better. It's ridiculous.


Angela said...

That happened to me the last time I went to our pedi. It was the LAST time I went to that pedi. She probably doesn't care...but I have no patience for that sort of incompetence and treatment.

Tanners said...

so you know those doctor's offices that have the sign that says- patients later than 15 minutes will have to reschedule or sometimes if you are later than 20 minutes there will be a fee of so much. it just makes me so mad. i wish it worked both ways.

Amanda Davis said...

AGREE! We switched Doctors for that VERY reason. There was once it took 2 hours and he spent less then 5 min and seemed like he was in a huge hurry to get out of there! I didn't even get to ask him all the questions I had. Now I have a fab doctor who gave me his email and I can email him questions, and all that jazz! LOVE HIM! You know he might be worth the drive!

Debra said...

LOL...you always make me laugh!
Don't be too mad at your doctor. If it is like my office they finish their morning patients around the time that their afternoon is scheduled to start and don't get a lunch break!