Sunday, January 2, 2011

Guess I should blog about Christmas

I think I avoided any pre-Christmas posts this year because I was having Santa Anxiety. (It's a real disorder...just ask me.) I confiscated my girl's letters to Santa to get an accurate idea of what they wanted. After reading them I nearly suffered heart failure. Guess that should teach me not to lie to my children or steal other people's mail. Here's what they said.

Dear Santa,
I wold like a laptop, a camera, 15 pet shops, 10 packs of sily bands, a litil stocking, a D.S., a radeo, and a sell phone.
P.S. Heidi wonts a doll.
(Leah didn't even bother signing her name.)

Dear Santa,
Thank you for the bead set, and the dress and the baby doll. Can you get me ten webkins, and an art set, and two pillowpets; a unicorn and a dog. And a gate for my office.
Love Naomi

Dear Santa,
I've been extra good this year. I would like a doll, a puppy, a rocking horse, a fairy wand, a webkinz, an i-pod and a Wii.
Love Emilia

Let's see...that would only exceed our Christmas budget by $2249.73

I was confident this would be the worst Christmas ever...since no one would get anything they wanted. Except for the little stocking, I could afford one of those.

Well, Christmas morning came and the girls were very gracious and loved their gifts. Emilia even reassured me that, "This was the BEST Christmas EVER." (Irregardless of that fact that at some point of every day it's the best AND the worst day was still nice to hear.)

1 comment:

Debra said...

So cute. Just wait til they are teenagers! It only gets more expensive!