Monday, January 10, 2011

A diversion from my usual sarcasm

My beautiful Naomi girl
I've just been thinking a lot recently about the whole being a mom thing.  I feel like I'm in a strange place within myself.  I'm 31.  I have four kids.  And although this has been my reality for the past almost 9 years, it still seems surreal to me.  I remember being a kid and truthfully I don't feel too far removed from it.  I still feel very young and inexperienced.  I wonder how I'm supposed to raise these beautiful daughters when I am still learning how to figure out life and humanity myself!  I worry that they have suffered at times because I've been learning life lessons, things that I thought all mom's were already supposed to know.

There are so many things I want to teach my little ladies, experiences I want to have with them, places I want to take them.  I wonder if I'm treating each day as the gift it truly is.  Am I treating my girls with as much love and respect that I can give them?  Do they know that I think they are the most wonderful, beautiful girls on the earth? I know all I can do is my best, but to be completely honest...some days my best is just plain lousy!

I don't know.  I mostly turned out all right...I guess they will too :) 
It's just a GREAT responsibility.  Just sayin'.


Ringleader said...

You sound JUST like Rory. You two SuperMoms should chat sometime.

Amy said...

Amen, sister.

Rory Baxter said...

Funny, Preston beat me to the punch to comment.
We should chat, I have spent most of this last week totally feeling like I am not making the cut as a mom. My boys have been of immediate concern for testing my mom skills, and they have let me know in no uncertain terms that I am treading thin ice.
Even though you have the girls, your posts often reflect my just have a fab way to make it seem hysterical...though in those moments it is hysterical all right - enough to bring us to tears...
You are who I want to grow up to be someday, you are amazing and wonderful in so many ways, esp about how you take on the challenges of life with that sparkling laugh and gut-splitting sense of humor...your girls are blessed to have you...and so am I....just sayin'
Love you & miss you friend.