Monday, January 10, 2011


Last week we took advantage of the beautiful sunny day and went on a "Quest" with some of our friends here.  The county has several of these quests set up so kids can search around town based on clues to find a little prize.  It's really fun.  Anyway, the particular quest we followed was around city hall and the police station.  As we were walking through the parking lot, an officer arrived in his squad car and asked if the kids wanted to see inside of it.  They all did...with the exception of Emilia.  She ran and hid behind me.  I tried to take her picture by the police car...which she was clearly NOT thrilled about.  
After the police man left, she started asking me quesions.  "Do police take away bad people?"  "What about kids?  Do they take bad kids to jail?"  Finally it dawned on me....she was experiencing PTSD from our little incident a few weeks back.  ***Please reference blog entry from December 16th***  I may be paying for therapy sooner than anticipated.

1 comment:

Amy said...

aaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha. yup. you sure will. ;)