Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pansy Snow Day

Monday the girls came home from school with a note announcing that school would be closed Tuesday based on the predicted snow in the forcast. I was excited because I REALLY want to see snow on the beach.

Sure enough this morning when I looked out the window there was some snow on the ground. I started getting my boots and coat on to go take some pictures when all the girls woke up. They saw I was leaving and wanted to come with...but in barefeet and pj's. Being the mean mom that I am, I demanded the girls at least bring coats and boots. I knew we would never get there if we were walking, so I loaded the girls kicking and screaming into the van (remember this was their idea to come along) and drove the three blocks down to the beach.

Much to my dismay, there was NO snow on the beach. In my now grumpy state of mind I was just certain that twenty minutes before (while I was wrestling boots onto small feet) the entire beach must have been blanketed in a downy white covering of snow and it melted just before I got there and it was all my kid's fault! So I decided to ignore the girls while they flopped on the ground and continued their fits in the sand and take some pictures anyway. I'm so nice.

A little bit of snow stuck on the post :)

Some cool clouds over the ocean

Look I found more snow!

Evidence of the sunrise

Heidi pitching her fit

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