Friday, July 16, 2010

Valuable Information

Did you know that diversity is bad? It's true. Just ask my girls. EVERYTHING must be EXACTLY the same or "it's not fair". We bought the girls some fun summer plates in the shape of flowers. One pink, one yellow, one orange and one green. There was no, "Thanks Mom!" just a whole heap of whining that Yaya always gets everything that is pink.

When I give the girls their vitamins in the morning, they don't find it an unreasonable request to ask me to dig through the entire economy size bottle to find everyone matching kitty vitamins.

Birthdays have been a challenge recently as well since some of the girls are at the ages where they don't understand why only one person is getting presents. Clearly this must mean that child is the favorite and therefore must be ostracised unless they pinky promise to share every toy, every day for the exact number of minutes demanded and with a smile on their face.

This is most likely karma. The universe is giving me a dose of what I dished out in my own childhood. My mother is most likely smiling while reading this, and quite possible drumming her fingertips together with a vindictive chuckle. I know in 20 years when the cycle repeats in the next generation, I will be doing the same thing!

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