Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pioneer Party and a Pie fight

Leah and friend Lilli after the three-legged race

Heidi dunking her little smokies in a cup of water

Naomi and Yaya during the Jell-o slurping contest

Me winning the watermelon eating contest.

Chad smearing me with the remaining pies from the contest.

July 24th is celebrated as "Pioneer Day" in the state of Utah, and throughout most of Mormon culture. It is the day Brigham Young and the first group of Mormon Pioneers entered the Salt Lake Valley. So in a very historically accurate way (muffled laughter), we had a party to do things that the Pioneers did back in 1847. For instance, we drove in our air conditioned cars to my friend's house, so we wouldn't have to go without the convenience of indoor plumbing and restroom facilities. Then we had three-legged races, sack-races (with stylish pillow cases), we made butter with cream we bought from the store in Mason jars, we had jell-o slurping contests and watermelon eating contests and a pie eating contest. We made "home-made ice cream" with store bought ingredients, zip lock bags and cubed ice. We had a pot-luck dinner with food everyone made at home with their electric ovens and stoves and then transported in crock pots.

Man, sitting outside for three hours on a fold up camping chair really helped me appreciate the sacrifices the pioneers made for us. I couldn't wait to drive home and take a nice shower and sleep in my comfortable bed.

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