Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sassy sassy girls

Monday evening the girls were all coloring in the living room. Heidi ALWAYS seems to find a marker somewhere, even when I'm sure I've thrown them all away. So Heidi was sitting in our arm chair with a red marker, but she was actually coloring on the paper, so I let her be. Of course the second I took my eyes off her she started coloring on the chair. Long, dark streaks of red marker. When I saw what she was doing, I said, "No Heidi!". Heidi looked at me directly in the eyes and then started coloring on the chair as fast as she could until I ran over and ripped the marker out of her hand. That little stinker is being defiant already!

Today, as with every other day, I asked the girls to please pick up anything that belongs to them and put it away. And today, like every other day, Yaya flopped down on the floor and started crying like I had just asked her to run twelve miles barefoot in the snow. So I told her to get up and pick up her stuff before I threw it all in the trash ('cause I'm nice like that.) Yaya stood up, shot me a nasty glare and then SPIT on my floor. I was shocked (and I had to try really hard not to laugh) and told her to march her sassy little buns down to her room. Of course she wouldn't go without a fight, so I ended up standing outside her door holding it shut while she pitched a gigantic screaming fit. I was laughing the whole time as she cycled through her different attempts to get me to open the door. First-PITY "I wish this never happened to me." (Repeat one million times) Second-RAGE "I HATE MY MOM!" (Repeat 300 times) Third-SCARE TACTICS "I'm scared! This room creeps me out!" (Repeat 200 times) Fourth-COERCION "I'm not crying. I'm not crying (gasping desperately for air)" And finally-BARGAINING "Let me out and I'll pick up my clothes. I'll pick up my clothes!" (Repeated as many times as it took me to compose my hysterical laughter and open the door with a straight face)

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