Saturday, July 10, 2010

Birthday: Part 2

Just for the record, I am considering any event this month as part of my birthday celebration...because I can.

My awesome friend owns a house on the coast. When I heard the vicious rumors of 90+ degree weather, we escaped to her house for the week. I packed our bags for some hot beach weather and ended up stopping at the local Wal-Mart to purchase myself a jacket because I was freezing!

We spent a bunch of time just playing around on the beach and building a sweet fort with drift wood, building sand castles, running away from the waves and watching Heidi discover just how much fun a beach could be. I don't think Heidi has really enjoyed any beach experience up to this point. When we first got there and I put her little feet in the sand, she just stood there with bucket and shovel in hand, looking up at me with a "Just what exactly do you expect me to do?" expression on her face. After I got down and started digging with her she warmed up to the idea and pushed the sand around a bit. Finally she realized that the WHOLE beach was covered with sand and started running around with her shovel. Heidi would stoop down, scoop up a shovel full of sand, throw it in the air, squeal! and then run another four steps and do it again. It was so funny to watch!

Two of the days we went to Yaquina Head lighthouse and tide pools. The first day we bailed early because it was so foggy and cold and none of us were dressed appropriately, so we went to the museum part. Heidi thoght that was pretty great as well because the (stuffed) birds didn't run away when she went chasing after them! The second day was much nicer. There is a big set of wooden stairs to climb down to get to the tide pools. At the first landing of the stairs, Naomi dangled her feet through the railing and one of her flip flops fell off, down the cliff side. We had to trek back up to the car and the only other shoes in there were my flip flops, so that's what she wore. What can ya do?

Lars and the girls had a great time exploring all the little tide pools. We saw fish, crabs, snails, purple sea urchins, bright green anemonies and only one star fish this time. The last time we were there in April, Leah counted over 100 star fish, but I guess they move around a lot. The "beach" is all cobble stones, so when you walk on it, it creates a very hollow sound. Heidi thought this was the greatest thing there, so I spent the majority of my time sitting on the rocks, dodging Heidi's poor aim as the threw them and laughed at the sound. I did get one bruise on my leg from a flying cobble stone when I let down my defenses and was talking to Naomi.

We got home friday afternoon with just enough time for me to shower and head out the door to my friend's house for a little birthday gathering. It was a great week!

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