Today was my second day at the pool. The swim team wasn't there...but the football team was.
At least that is my assumption based on a number of observations.
First, their size. Enough said.
Second, their apparel. None of them were wearing swim shorts (thankfully), but the shorts they were wearing obviously weren't that great for swimming because they were constantly making "adjustments"...if you catch my drift. And then, they were wearing du-rags on their heads, rather than swim caps. How is that helpful?
Third, their actions. I was sharing the lane closest to the locker room entrances with a sweet Asian gal when all of a sudden there were six large men cannon-balling in over our heads. Thankfully the couple in the lane next to us were leaving at the same moment, so we moved over. But these guys all started jumping and splashing around until the ring leader called them into a huddle. I'm not kidding. So they huddled up and apparently decided to do a relay race because that was the next main event. They split up into teams and made the life guard say "ready, set, go" then they dove/belly flopped off the racing pedestals and started "swimming" as fast as the could. Keep in mind I'm making these observations while doing my laps, and I happened to be doing one such lap when the tidal waves from their racing started pouring into my lane. I felt like I was swimming in the ocean...minus the salt water and the sharks. At that time one more guy showed up with a girl who was wearing a bikini I'm pretty sure was only useful for getting attention, but definitely not for swimming. He was by far the smallest, and most ripped, but also the most cocky one of the group. He was wearing swim shorts that he rolled up before he jumped in the water with his little girl toy. Well anyway, I was on my last lap when they finished their little racing event and huddled back up again. I was doing the side stroke with my back toward them, and as I passed I totally kicked one of the guys right in the can...really hard. I was horrified! He whipped around ready to defend himself and then started laughing when he saw the expression on my face as I shouted "sorry" and swam as fast as I could to the end of the pool. I exited quickly and was quite relieved to find I had the showers to myself this time!