Sunday, March 7, 2010

"You Can't Make Me"

I have a mental disorder. It's called, "You Can't Make Me." OK, so maybe I'm actually the only person that has this issue (and maybe I made up the name too), but here's the problem. I love to come up with ideas. I love to invent and create and I love to execute my ideas once...maybe twice. After that, even though I may love doing something, as soon as I feel like I HAVE to do it, I don't want to do it ever again.

Case Study 1: A couple years ago I took some cards that I made into a shop downtown and arranged to have them sold there. I was thrilled! Then after about a month, I started getting annoyed and resenting that I HAD to make cards. I LOVE making cards.

Case Study 2: Piano lessons. I have been giving piano lessons for about six months now. I have five students that I love and I really enjoy teaching them. I teach all my lessons on Wednesdays. But every Tuesday I find myself dreading Wednesdays. As soon as the lessons start, I have a great time and I'm really excited about the progress my students are making. I love teaching piano. So why do I dread it?

Maybe I'm stuck at age 4 in the "You can't make me" stage of life. Fortunately I can overcome it enough to keep doing things even though I have anxieties about it, but I would really like to be able to enjoy what I actually enjoy doing!


Tanners said...

ahh- well sometimes i get this reading my scriptures, or exercise or i think anything that is going to have really positive effects in my life.

Laney said...

I completely know what you mean! Keep working at it. It'll get better. At least that's what happens with me. My site does that to me sometimes...and it was my decision to start it! I was so excited to have my own little hobby shop. We're funny creatures! ;)

Rachel Holloway said...

I DO THE EXACT same thing.

love photography. hate doing it when I HAVE to...but let me do it on my own terms, and it's heaven.

why, why, why is it this way!?

J.L.C.M. said...

I have this problem. Art was so fun when I was a kid and even into high-school, but now it's a major hardship since Wade's class.

Leslie said...

TOTALLY know what you mean. This is precisely why I have never turned scrapping/sewing/photography into a business. I am too afraid that my passion will turn to dread and disgust. Shockingly, I forgot that you made your blog private and I haven't been here in a while. I have loved catching up. You guys look great! I can't believe how big the girls are getting. It is so fun to watch them grow and hear all the crazy shiz they say and do. Miss and love you!