Friday, March 26, 2010

A very chocolaty thank you

We were sitting at the table eating Leah's birthday cake. I made an ice cream cake with my mom's hot fudge recipe (yum!). Heidi was eating with her hands, so they were of course covered in chocolate. When she finished her little piece, Daddy shared a bit of his cake with her. She turned to him, said "Dae Do" and signed "thank you". The way to sign this is to put your hand up to your chin and bring it out in front of you. But the way Heidi signs thank you is to put her whole hand over her whole face. The result was a very chocolaty baby! We all started laughing and I started taping after this to try to recreate the moment. Of course it didn't work, but you can see the aftermath!


Debra said...

You are doing a good job of reminding me that my life of order and clean faces is about to come to an end!!! What a cute little chocolatey face she has!

The Cooking Photographer said...

Shar this is soooooooooooooo cute! My heart feels all melty.