Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A couple random comments

Usually when I take the girls to the store I give them "the speech" before we go in. You know the, "I'm only buying what's on my list, so you can look with your eyes at anything you want, but don't touch and don't bother asking for something because I'm going to say no." (Please tell me I'm not the only mean mom who gives that speech.) Anyway, so today I asked Yaya if she wanted to go to the store with me. She answered, "I want to go to the store, but I don't want you to bring a list. I'll just tell you what I want and you can get it."

At the dinner table tonight, out of nowhere, Leah asked, "When I turn 11 can you get me a flat screen TV? Oh, and make it a big one." I'll get right on that.

Yaya's prayer tonight. "Please bless that Mom won't wake up and we'll wake up Dad instead if the house is on fire." What a thoughtful child.


Debra said...

You say "no" to your kids??? BAD MOMMY!!! : )

Leslie said...

That Yaya....she is HILARIOUS