Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Little Miss Manipulation

Sunday night Yaya came down with the barfies. Monday she laid around all day, so by Tuesday she was getting super antsy. Yaya really wanted to go play with a friend, but she could definitely see some advantages to being sick, such as eating in the living room, a usual "no-no". Now, Yaya is nobody's fool. She was trying to get the best of both worlds, which ended up in this interchange.

Me-"Yaya, can you bring your plate to the sink please?"
Y-"I'm too sick."
Me-"Ok, then lie back down on the couch."
Y-"I feel better."
Me-"It's one way or the other. Take your plate to the sink or lay down."
(She laid down. I cleared her plate. Two minutes later...)
Y-"Can I play at Ellie's house?"
Me-"You're too sick."
Y-"No I'm not."
Me-"You just told me you were. If you're too sick to pick up a plate, you're too sick to play at a friend's house."
(Yaya disappeared for a few minutes and reappeared with a picture she just drew)
Y-"Do you like this picture?"
Y-"Do you want this picture?"
Y-"Then you have to say that I'm not sick anymore."

I'm sorry. Did we just meet? That was pretty crafty for a four year old, but I'm not an idiot either!

1 comment:

Alli said...

What a clever little trickster! Claire thinks I'm an idiot too. I'll say something like, "Go get your glasses on." and she'll say, "They ARE on." As if I am not looking right at her!