Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentine's Day Fun

Yaya's cookie...Your dentist thanks you for your business Leah's frosting mountain Leah frosting her cookies Naomi fighting with the sprinkles Yaya frosting (in her Giant's cheerleading uniform, of course) True to tradition, we made and decorated Valentine cookies. My teeth hurt every year just looking at the mountains of sugar I so willingly let my children consume when they decorate their own cookies. But once a year won't hurt them....right? I'm also posting a little video of Heidi cutting out some cookie dough. Leah is filming it, so you might get a little motion sickness, but I think it's entertaining enough to be worth the wooziness.


Amy said...

she's so smart! love her. can't wait to see both of you in 2 days!!!!!!

Tanners said...

i love this video. and i think it is fun how silly and goofy little girls can get. naomi laughing at her is great. i remember, my sisters and i could laugh for hours when we were little! soo totally spaced the cd thing until today-sooo i'll send it tomorrow. i read your email and just put it on my mental shelf and forgot about it.

Debra said...

I love it!!! You are such a good mommy!