Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mother's Intuition

When I was pregnant with Leah, I would have bet my life that I was having a boy.  Clearly she's a girl.  I also thought Emilia was going to be a boy....and Heidi too.   Wrong, wrong, wrong.  I tend to over react to little things, and blow off big broken bones. In fact, I have pretty much just decided that I was in the restroom in heaven when they were handing out "Mother's Intuition" because I didn't think I had any. 

There may be hope yet!  Sunday evening Heidi came down with a fever.  She barfed all day Monday and has been laying around miserable since then.  Her fever has been between 100 and 104, up and down.  High enough to scare me, but not enough to get me running to the E.R.

Last night her fever spiked pretty high.  Our not completely reliable ear thermometer said 106.1, which I don't think was quite accurate, but it gave us a good scare.  Lars and I gave Heidi a cool bath and some Tylenol and it brought her temp down to 101.  She was still really lethargic all day today with a pretty steady temp of 103.  When I got home from work I was holding H and she wet in her diaper.  My motherly instincts kicked in and I know this sounds weird, but her urine smelled "off".  Then the thought came to me, maybe she has a bladder infection.  At that point I realized if that was indeed the problem, it wasn't going to go away on it's own.  It would only get worse and spread to her kidneys and then her blood. 

So at 6:30 tonight I brought H into the E.R.  They had to get some urine from her to run tests so they tried to put a catheter in.  Heidi wasn't having any of that and ended up peeing all over the table.  Miraculously the nurse caught some in her little tube and sent it to the lab.  They brought Heidi some clean p.j.'s since her dress was now soaking and the nurse brought her in a teddy bear.  Heidi would NOT take the bear.  In fact, she wouldn't even touch the bear the entire time we were there. :) 

Two hours later, the nurse realized that although they had sent the urine to the lab, the test order was never sent.  Thirty minutes after that they confirmed that Heidi did indeed have a pretty advanced urinary tract infection and brought in her first dose of anti-biotics. 

Heidi was SO good the whole time.  While we were waiting forever, we just curled up on the bed together and took a nap.  I'm pretty sure I was snoring when the Dr. came in.  Anyway, we got little Heidi taken care of and hopefully this UTI will clear up quickly and she'll be back to her old self again soon.  I miss her dancing a round the house, jumping off furniture, changing her clothes three thousand times a day, hitting her sisters and then feigning innocence and her sweet little voice and laugh.


Amy said...

poor hi baby. :( hope she feels/gets better soon! you did good, sister.

The Cooking Photographer said...

Poor Heidi. I hate those. You are a smart mom.