Saturday, May 8, 2010


Little miss Heidi is just chattering away. Every day she copies more words and often surprises me. She calls her sisters by name, E-a (Leah), me-me (Naomi), and yaya (Emilia). Of course Heidi can say mama and dada, also bird, dog, cat, cheese, please, shoes, inside, outside, cookie, bite, some, baby, beans, horse, NO, open, by-by, new diaper, blankie, see ya, and probably more that I'm forgetting. Heidi will put words together, like "thank you Daddy" and "new diaper" any time she messes in hers. If we ask her, "Where are your boogies?" she'll stick her finger up her nose and say "EWWWWWW!" (Classy, I know. It's just so funny)

She understands everything and follows directions. She'll throw things away when asked...and just for fun. Heidi sucks her left thumb and carries around her pink blankie. She won't sleep without it. Heidi has a very happy temperament. She still prefers Lars or myself over anyone else, but is becoming comfortable at other people's houses.

Heidi LOVES her sisters! If one of them is gone, she will run up and down the hall way banging on doors yelling their name. She often cries when Leah and Naomi leave in the morning for school and is VERY happy when they come home. Heidi is such a joy. She is loved and spoiled to pieces. This is just a little movie of Leah, Naomi and Heidi playing together.

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