Saturday, May 9, 2009

somebody please explain

Scented baby wipes. Changing diapers is gross enough as it is. I suppose the idea behind a scented baby wipe was to make it a more pleasant changing experience if you could capture the relaxing scent of cucumber and green tea instead of...the diaper contents. A good idea it was, on paper, but I wonder how extensively the scent combinations were researched before being put into production. It would be my guess that a more natural scent such as "baby powder", or "clean linen" would lend itself to a sweet baby's bum. Instead each time I wipe my baby's bum I'm smelling poopumbers and green pee. Let's get some more effective market research going here Huggies. Ask the ones changing the diapers.


Debra said...

lol...I always liked the scented wipes!!! When I opened them it just reminded me what a cute baby I had.

Rachel said...

AMEN SISTA! I've always thought the same thing.

Reggs said...

LOLOL...I have just added POOCUMBERS to my vocabulary.

Alli said...

poopumbers and green pee - love it!! You make me laugh Shar :)

Jill Bagley said...

my sister tried to get me hooked on the "refreshing" huggies wipes from costco. i found myself buying them with a coupon for 9 dollars off. and all i can think of while im changing poopy diapers is how i will never think of cucumber melon the same way again. they ruined that smell forever for me.

i was making the same exact case to my sister, but she said what one of your other commenters said---that it makes her happy, and she loves the smell.
but her baby doesnt poop that much either!! :)