Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Isn't it about...time?

When I only had Leah, I remember people saying to me all the time, "Oh, they grow up so quickly!". Um, no. Time did not fly by when I only had one baby and I stayed at home and documented her every move, took a picture of her every time she tried a new food and tried different clothes on her just to see how cute she looked in every outfit...with a coordinating bow. Don't get me wrong, I loved that time and wouldn't have had it any other way, but I didn't feel like time was racing by.

With Leah, any time she started fussing, among other things, I would check her mouth for any sign of teething. If I thought her gums looked swollen, or I thought I saw a tooth coming through I would pamper her and give her teething tablets, or rub her little gums with Orajel. Now poor Heidi cuts teeth and I don't even notice until I have to start brushing them.

I swear I bathed Leah every day when she was a baby. Now I'm pretty sure Heidi's full on baths have averaged out to one per month of her life. She gets the wipe down quite often to eliminate arm pit cheese and clean the cheerios out of the fat rolls, but more often than not that's as good as it gets!

I'd like to attribute these negligent parenting practices to the fact that there are a few more kids in the mix, and school, and gymnastics and swimming lessons. Often I do feel like my days are here and gone before I'm ever fully awake. Sometimes I worry that I've completely neglected a child during the day. One night I actually forgot to feed my children dinner. I tucked them all into bed and then Naomi said, "Um Mom, we never even ate dinner." My solution? I told them to stay in bed (wouldn't want to do that twice) and I brought them each a plate with a roll, grapes and cheese.

Now before anyone starts to panic and call the authorities, I can reassure you that while I may not be the most organized, I love these girlies with everything in my soul. I am so grateful to be a mother, to stay home with my little cherubs, to love them and kiss on them and serve them and deffer many of my own desires to put them first. Oh, and did I mention learn patience? (As I type this Yaya is on the ground throwing a fit because I won't let her color on her new dress with a blue crayon.) This is what life is all about.


Rachel said...

Loved that post, thanks!

Debra said...

We have all been there. You are not the only one who forgets dinner once in a while. kids are old enough to be self-sufficient :)

meghan said...

I only have three, but somedays I feel the same. By the time I lay down at night my day seems to have gone by in a blur=)

Leslie said...

I'm with ya. I know we'll miss it when it's over but somedays are just plain crazy! Still, it amazes me the capacity that Heavenly Father gives us to love these little kids.

Stacy said...

Amen,sista!!! :O)