Friday, November 14, 2008

Sooooo strong

I came home from grocery shopping and Naomi was very eager to help me put them away. I had to take a break and feed the baby first so I told her she needed to wait. She continued to tell me she could do it herself and I continued to tell her how heavy the bags were and to please wait. In a desperate attempt to get me to understand just how strong she was, she came up with this..."Mom, I am so strong I can lift the table up with one hand. Well, not the big table, just the little one. But I bet I could lift up a car. Well, maybe not when I'm four, but probably when I am six!"

1 comment:

Debra said...

LOL...that's so cute. I miss the young ages where they say stuff like that. Can you believe Katelyn turns 13 today? And she is very good at it *grimace*