Monday, November 10, 2008

Learning the Language
In conversation with Naomi, I told her we would do an activity later and in the mean time, she needed to eat her lunch. She just looked at me and asked, "Why is it the mean time? When is it the nice time?"
Naomi asked me what a "human" was. I explained to her that humans are people; all kinds of people old and young. A look of understanding came over her and she said, "So grandmas and babies are humans, but not teenagers!" You are absolutely right.


Reggs said...

YEY!!!!! Welcome to the blogging world. Its a wonderful activity that seems to take up an insane amount of my week. I am happy I get to keep up on you guys all the time now.
Come and see me at
Love ya, Sharly!

jej said...

That's awesome!! Naomi is so smart!

I wish you guys were still here - I'd love to get our girls together...