Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Opposites Attract

Well, Paula Abdul got one thing right in the 80's (and it wasn't her hair.)  "Opposites attract." 
Since I'm a visual learner, I'll illustrate my idea with pictures.

My thought process:
My hubby's thought process:

My mind works like a firework.  I have bursts of ideas, most of which seem disconnected, but all stemmed from the same initial thought.  When I talk, I jump around from topic to memory, to story, to did I forget to turn off the stove all in one sentence.  That filter that most people have to fit comfortably into society?  Yeah, I don't have one of those.  Fortunately for me I can come up with witty remarks to ease the awkwardness of the situations I often put myself in.   

My hubby's mind works like a minutely detailed time line.  He doesn't speak unless he has thought through every possible scenario, linked that idea to past, present and future, put himself in the other person's shoes and rifled through his ridiculously large vocabulary to make sure he incorporates at least six works I will certainly NOT understand into his response.

Communication for us has been a challenge. 
I chat about nonsense.  He chats about complex plot lines for his book that he's writing. 
I talk to figure things out.  He talks because he has already figured it out. 
I say the first thing that pops into my head and then don't remember saying it two minutes later, because it was just part of the process to get to my final thought...ten minutes later.
He internalizes what I say, often putting WAY more thought into my statements than I ever did.

Entertainment for us has been a challenge.
Me- It's your birthday, let's have a party!
Hubby- It's my birthday, I think I'll go to a movie...alone.

Me- You just graduated, let's have a party!
Hubby - No.

Me- We just bought a new van, let's go on a road trip!
Hubby - O.K. 
(See?  Sometimes we agree!)

Agreeing on the idea of our future has been a challenge.
Me-I NEVER want to buy a house.  
Hubby-I can't wait to buy a house. 

Me-I just want to travel and see the world.
Hubby-Sure, but wouldn't it be great to have a house?

Me-Fine, if we ever own a house I want it to modern and minimal.
Hubby - I want a castle.

How is it then, that we have been married for eleven years and have four beautiful girls?  Paula?
"Baby ain't it somethin'
How we lasted this long
You and me
Provin' everyone wrong
Don't think we'll ever
Get our differences patched
Don't really matter
Cuz we're perfectly matched"

If I had married someone just like me, we would definitely have fun, but probably not do anything productive...ever.  If I were just like my hubby, we would have amazingly intellectual conversations and solve all of the world's problems sitting in overstuffed red velvet chairs, wearing corduroy jackets with elbow patches chewing on unlit pipes.

We balance each other out.  Together we become more well rounded people than we ever could alone.  "And you know-it ain't fiction, just a natural fact.  We come together 'cuz opposites attract."


Wendy said...

You are on a roll! I am investing in profection!

Lars Wight said...

Uh, can we get the over-sized red velvet wing backed chairs anyway?

softhef said...

yes mr. wight. yes we can. you can put them in your library with your giant fireplace, floor to ceiling bookshelves and the rolling ladder like on willy wonka.

Reggs said...

You don't want to live in a castle, WHAAAAA??
Seriously hilarious post. I completely get what it's like to be married to someone "logical" when I myself am spontaneous. How do we make it work?? Probably our ridiculous good looks. :)