Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A letter to the toothfairy...from the mom

Dear Tooth Fairy,
     As a parent, I have been fulfilling your role for the past five years as you have been off gallivanting around the galaxy with your other fairy friends.  This simply HAS to stop!  I have forgotten to do your job for the past four nights in a row.  I can't help it if my body shuts down and my mind blacks out at 8:30 every night.  Remembering to pay a kid for a tooth that I already paid for emotionally, when it was coming in their slobbery little mouth, is just asking too much.  If your behavior doesn't improve dramatically in the next 24 hours I will be contacting your superior.


The Mom who looks like an idiot because she can't remember to put a dime under her kid's pillow

P.S.  Since this particular tooth had a filling that I already paid for, I think you should leave ME some money under my pillow as well.  Any amount of money would help compensate for the hours spent coaxing, bribing, coercing, threatening and begging my kid to brush her teeth in the first place.

1 comment:

Meggan Hayes said...

Can I sign my name on the bottom as well? Poor McKenzie has lost so many teeth in the past two weeks and every time she comes down in the morning with nothing to show for one of them I feel like I'm being awarded the "Lame Mom of the Year" award.